An old college project (for the module "Developing Computer Games") in which I developed - against my better judgement, seriously - a puzzle-platformer inspired by Terry Cavanagh's *VVVVVV*.
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Open "Maps/" & Pack & "_" & Level & ".lvl" for reading, as file 1
Read a line from file 1 and pass its value to LevelName
Read a line from file 1 and pass its values to PlayerPos(0), PlayerPos(1), PlayerGravityDir
Read a line from file 1 and pass its values to RobotPos(0, 0), RobotPos(0, 1), RobotDir(0), RobotFacing(0)
Read a line from file 1 and pass its values to RobotPos(1, 0), RobotPos(1, 1), RobotDir(1), RobotFacing(1)
For y is between 0 to 17
For x is between 0 to 24
Read a line from file 1 and pass its value to Map(x, y)
Close file 1
Set the caption of frmGravity.lblLevelName to LevelName
Set PlayerPos(0) to the result of PlayerPos(0) * 32 + 16
Set PlayerPos(1) to the result of PlayerPos(1) * 32 + 16
Set PlayerFallOrigin(0) to PlayerPos(0)
Set PlayerFallOrigin(1) to PlayerPos(1)
Set frmGravity.imgPlayer.Left to the result of PlayerPos(0) - frmGravity.imgPlayer.Width / 2
Set frmGravity.imgPlayer.Top to the result of PlayerPos(1) - frmGravity.imgPlayer.Height / 2
For a is between 0 and 1
Set RobotPos(a, 0) to the result of RobotPos(a, 0) * 32 + 16
Set RobotPos(a, 1) to the result of RobotPos(a, 1) * 32 + 16
Set frmGravity.imgRobot(a).Left to the result of RobotPos(a, 0) - frmGravity.imgRobot(a).Width / 2
Set frmGravity.imgRobot(a).Top to the result of RobotPos(a, 1) - frmGravity.imgRobot(a).Height / 2
If RobotFacing(a) is equal to 0 then
Set RobotAnim(a) to 0
Set RobotAnim to 3
End If
Load RobotWalk(a, RobotDir(a), RobotAnim(a)) into the picture of frmGravity.imgRobot(a)
Set RobotAnimLoaded to True
For y is between 0 and 17
For x is between 0 to 24
If Map(x, y) is equal to 1 then
Set Border to 0
If y - 1 is greater than or equal to 0 then
If Map(x, y - 1) is not equal to 1 then
Increase Border by 1
End If
End If
If x + 1 is less than or equal to 24 then
If Map(x + 1, y) is not equal to 1 then
Increase Border by 2
End If
End If
If y + 1 is less than or equal to 17 then
If Map(x, y + 1) is not equal to 1 then
Increase Border by 4
End If
End If
If x - 1 is greater than or equal to 0 then
If Map(x - 1, y) is not equal to 1 then
Increase Border by 8
End If
End If
Load TileTable(Border) into the picture of frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y))
ElseIf Map(x, y) is equal to 2 then
Load ShockTile into the picture of frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y))
ElseIf Map(x, y) is equal to 3 then
Load StartTile into the picture of frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y))
ElseIf Map(x, y) is equal to 4 then
Load FinishTile into the picture of frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y))
Clear the picture of frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y))
End If
Set frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y)).Left to the result of 32 * x
Set frmGravity.imgRegion(x + (25 * y)).Top to the result of 32 * y
Load PlayerIdle(PlayerGravityDir)) into the picture of frmGravity.imgPlayer
Call the procedure PlayerStates.ResetPlayerState
Set PlayerAnim to 3
Set PlayerAnimSequence to 1
Set ReportTimer to 0