An old college project (for the module "Developing Computer Games") in which I developed - against my better judgement, seriously - a puzzle-platformer inspired by Terry Cavanagh's *VVVVVV*.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

63 lines
2.2 KiB

Attribute VB_Name = "HighScores"
Dim TopName(0 To 5) As String
Dim TopMinute(0 To 5) As Integer
Dim TopSecond(0 To 5) As Integer
Dim TopMillisecond(0 To 5) As Integer
Dim TempName As String
Dim TempMinute, TempSecond, TempMillisecond As Integer
Public Sub WriteScore()
Dim TotalMilliseconds(0 To 1) As Single
Dim LineCounter As Integer
Open "Scores.txt" For Input As #1
LineCounter = 0
Do While Not EOF(1)
Input #1, TopName(LineCounter), TopMinute(LineCounter), TopSecond(LineCounter), TopMillisecond(LineCounter)
LineCounter = LineCounter + 1
Close #1
TopName(5) = PlayerName
TopMinute(5) = LevelMinutes
TopSecond(5) = LevelSeconds
TopMillisecond(5) = LevelMilliseconds
For LineCounter = 5 To 1 Step -1
TotalMilliseconds(0) = ((((TopMinute(LineCounter - 1) / 100000000) * 60 + (TopSecond(LineCounter - 1) / 100000000)) * 100) + (TopMillisecond(LineCounter - 1)) / 100000000)
TotalMilliseconds(1) = ((((TopMinute(LineCounter) / 100000000) * 60 + (TopSecond(LineCounter) / 100000000)) * 100) + (TopMillisecond(LineCounter)) / 100000000)
If TotalMilliseconds(1) < TotalMilliseconds(0) Then
Call MoveName(LineCounter)
End If
Next LineCounter
Open "Scores.txt" For Output As #2
For LineCounter = 0 To 4
Write #2, TopName(LineCounter), TopMinute(LineCounter), TopSecond(LineCounter), TopMillisecond(LineCounter)
Next LineCounter
Close #2
End Sub
Public Sub MoveName(ScoreLine As Integer)
TempName = TopName(ScoreLine - 1)
TempMinute = TopMinute(ScoreLine - 1)
TempSecond = TopSecond(ScoreLine - 1)
TempMillisecond = TopMillisecond(ScoreLine - 1)
TopName(ScoreLine - 1) = TopName(ScoreLine)
TopMinute(ScoreLine - 1) = TopMinute(ScoreLine)
TopSecond(ScoreLine - 1) = TopSecond(ScoreLine)
TopMillisecond(ScoreLine - 1) = TopMillisecond(ScoreLine)
TopName(ScoreLine) = TempName
TopMinute(ScoreLine) = TempMinute
TopSecond(ScoreLine) = TempSecond
TopMillisecond(ScoreLine) = TempMillisecond
End Sub