An old college project (for the module "Developing Computer Games") in which I developed - against my better judgement, seriously - a puzzle-platformer inspired by Terry Cavanagh's *VVVVVV*.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Attribute VB_Name = "Clocks"
Dim TimerString As String
Public Sub IncreaseClock()
'Always tick up the milliseconds by five per frame.
LevelMilliseconds = LevelMilliseconds + 5
'When 100 milliseconds pass, a second passes.
If LevelMilliseconds >= 100 Then
LevelMilliseconds = 0
LevelSeconds = LevelSeconds + 1
End If
'When 60 seconds pass, a minute passes.
If LevelSeconds >= 60 Then
LevelSeconds = 0
LevelMinutes = LevelMinutes + 1
End If
'Restrict the timer to prevent an error (even though it would take 45 days to reach 65536 minutes).
If LevelMinutes >= 10000 Then
LevelMinutes = 10000
LevelSeconds = 0
LevelMilliseconds = 0
End If
'Construct a string containing the current timer.
'If any of the unit values are below 10, then add a leading zero to keep them 2 characters long.
TimerString = "Timer: "
If LevelMinutes < 10 Then
TimerString = TimerString & "0" & LevelMinutes & ":"
TimerString = TimerString & LevelMinutes & ":"
End If
If LevelSeconds < 10 Then
TimerString = TimerString & "0" & LevelSeconds & ":"
TimerString = TimerString & LevelSeconds & ":"
End If
If LevelMilliseconds < 10 Then
TimerString = TimerString & "0" & LevelMilliseconds
TimerString = TimerString & LevelMilliseconds
End If
'Send the constructed string to the timer label.
frmGravity.lblTimer.Caption = TimerString
End Sub
Public Sub ResetClock()
LevelMinutes = 0
LevelSeconds = 0
LevelMilliseconds = 0
End Sub