An old college ICT project (for the module "Client-side Customisation of Web Pages") in which I produced a small interactive murder-mystery adventure game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

203 lines
11 KiB

// Defines a variable for the player's score.
var PlayerScore = 0;
// Sends the player to the very first room.
function InitialisePage()
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = Room[2][1]; // Takes the description for Room 0, the Living Room, and inserts it into the Feedback Area block.
RedrawMap(); // Rewrites the divs that make up the map into the map area, based on current progress.
RedrawSuspectArea(2); // Rewrites the player's current score to the suspect area, based on current progress.
// If the Map has been clicked on, this checks to see if the room has been visited before and thus be fast
// travelled to. If not, then clicking does nothing.
// "RoomNum" is the desired room. See Rooms.js for room numbers and other data.
function CheckMap(RoomNum)
if(Number(Room[RoomNum][2]) == 1) // Number() is just to make sure that this variable can be read as a number rather than text.
// This function sends you to the room designated by RoomNum upon clicking a room link.
function GoToRoom(RoomNum)
// RoomComplete is checked against the clue count of the room and used to bring up a string to alert
// the player that the room is finished. If there are no uninvestigated clues left this variable will
// be set to 1.
var RoomComplete = 0;
// Strings associated with a room's status
var RoomStatus = new Array (1)
RoomStatus[0] = ""
RoomStatus[1] = "<p class = 'Inform'>Bear has investigated everything here. There is nothing more to see.</p>"
if (Room[RoomNum][3] == 0)
RoomComplete = 1;
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = Room[RoomNum][1] // Takes the description for the new room and replaces the last room's description in the Feedback Area block.
+ RoomStatus[RoomComplete];
Room[RoomNum][2] = 1; // Sets the room's visited flag to 1, denoting that it has been visited and can be fast travelled to.
// This function sends you to the clue designated by ClueNum upon clicking a clue link.
// "ClueNum" is the desired clue. See Clues.js for clue numbers and other related data.
function GoToClue(ClueNum)
//Create a variable to hold the link that will return you to the original room. This is purely for tidiness.
var StepAwayLink = "<p class = 'RoomLink' onClick = 'GoToRoom(" + Clue[ClueNum][1] + ")'>Back away.</p>";
if (Clue[ClueNum][9] == 0) // Has this clue been looked at before? Is this variable set to 1?
if(Clue[ClueNum][3] != "") // Is there a Question here?
// Replaces existing text in Feedback Area with Clue description, followed by the question and
// the three possible answers to it in an unordered list.
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = Clue[ClueNum][2]
+ Clue[ClueNum][3]
+ "<ul><li class = 'AnswerLink' onClick = 'GoToAnswer(" + ClueNum + ",1)'>" + Clue[ClueNum][4]
+ "</li><li class = 'AnswerLink' onClick = 'GoToAnswer(" + ClueNum + ",2)'>" + Clue[ClueNum][5]
+ "</li><li class = 'AnswerLink' onClick = 'GoToAnswer(" + ClueNum + ",3)'>" + Clue[ClueNum][6]
+ "</li></ul>" + StepAwayLink;
else //If no question exists...
// ...just show the clue. Flag the clue as investigated as well.
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = Clue[ClueNum][2] + StepAwayLink;
else //If clue has been investigated already...
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = "<p class = 'Inform'>You've already looked at that. There's nothing more to see.</p>" + StepAwayLink;
RedrawSuspectArea(Clue[ClueNum][1]); // Updates the player's score onscreen.
// This function responds according to which answer you chose. There will always be one right and one
// wrong answer and this function will serve to inform you of whether you answered correctly and reward you
// by adding to your total score. Regardless, though, it will always offer an explanation of why the correct
// answer is so.
function GoToAnswer(ClueNum,Response)
//Create a variable to hold the link that will return you to the original room. This is purely for tidiness.
var StepAwayLink = "<p class = 'RoomLink' onClick = 'GoToRoom(" + Clue[ClueNum][1] + ")'>Okay.</p>";
if(Response == Clue[ClueNum][7]) // Is the answer given the same as the correct answer?
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = "<p class = 'CorrectAnswer'>Correct!</p>" + Clue[ClueNum][8] + StepAwayLink; // If the answer is correct...
PlayerScore = PlayerScore + 10; // ...increase the player's score by 10 points.
document.getElementById('FeedbackArea').innerHTML = "<p class = 'WrongAnswer'>Wrong.</p>" + Clue[ClueNum][8] + StepAwayLink; // If the player has given the wrong answer...
RedrawSuspectArea(Clue[ClueNum][1]); // Updates the player's score onscreen.
// This function checks the visited status of all rooms and redraws the map accordingly. Unvisited rooms are
// dark green and do not react to clicks, though hovering over them will still show their names in a tooltip.
// Light green rooms have been visited and enable fast travel to them wihtout having to pass through others.
function RedrawMap()
var MapCode = ""; // This variable is for the generated HTML that draws the room.
var RoomStatus = ""; // Serves as the latter half of the required CSS class name for each room.
for (var a = 0; a < 7; a++) // Cycles through each and every room.
if (Number(Room[a][2]) == 1) // Has this room been visited?
RoomStatus = "Visited";
RoomStatus = "Unvisited";
// Generates a div based on:
MapCode = MapCode
+ "<div class = 'MapRoom" + RoomStatus // Visited Status (RoomStatus)
+ "' title = '" + Room[a][0] // Room name (Room[a][0])
+ "' style = 'position: absolute; left:" + (Room[a][4] + 1) // Position from left of page in pixels (Room[a][4], plus 1 pixel to compensate for the border)
+ "; bottom:" + (Room[a][5] + 1) // Position from bottom of page in pixels (Room[a][5], plus 1 pixel to compensate for the border)
+ "; width:" + (Room[a][6] - 2) // Width in pixels (Room[a][6], less 2 pixels to compensate for the border)
+ "; height:" + (Room[a][7] - 2) // Height in pixels (Room[a][7], less 2 pixels to compensate for the border)
+ ";' onClick = 'CheckMap(" + a + ")'></div>"; // This executes the CheckMap() function if the div is clicked.
document.getElementById('MapArea').innerHTML = MapCode; // Inserts the completed HTML into the Map Area.
function FlagClue(ClueNum,RoomNum)
Clue[ClueNum][9] = 1; // Flag clue as investigated.
Room[RoomNum][3] = Number(Room[RoomNum][3]) - 1; // Reduce clue count.
function RedrawSuspectArea(RoomNum)
var DisabledState = " disabled"; // This will be inserted into all inputs when the inner HTML is assembled.
var GameComplete = 0; // 1 if all clues have been investigated, 0 if not.
var ClueCount = 0; // Total clues remaining.
// Strings associated with game completion (all clues investigated)
var ClueStatus = new Array (1)
ClueStatus[0] = "<p>Clues in room:" + Room[RoomNum][3] + "</p>"
ClueStatus[1] = "<p class = 'Inform'>You've found all you can.<br/>Time to point the finger.</p>"
// Total all remaining clues in every room. If there are no clues left, nullify DisabledState so that
// the property is not added to any inputs, thus enabling them, and set GameComplete to 0.
for(a = 0; a < Room.length; a++)
ClueCount = ClueCount + Room[a][3];
if(ClueCount == 0)
DisabledState = "";
GameComplete = 1;
// Refresh the suspect area to update the player's score, number of clues in each room remaining (or
// the notification that it's time to select a suspect in its place) and the form for accusing each suspect.
document.getElementById('SuspectArea').innerHTML = "<p>Score: " + PlayerScore + "</p>"
+ ClueStatus[GameComplete]
+ "<form name = 'frmSuspect'>"
+ "<p><input type = 'checkbox' name = 'chkSuspect1' value = 0" + DisabledState + ">Hephaesta</input></p>"
+ "<p><input type = 'checkbox' name = 'chkSuspect2' value = 0" + DisabledState + ">Poseida</input></p>"
+ "<p><input type = 'button' name = 'btnAccuse' value = 'Accuse!'" + DisabledState + " onClick = 'MakeAccusation()'></input></p>"
+ "</form>";
// Makes the necessary accusation. To allow either one or both suspects to be selected, the chkSuspect1's checked value
// remains at 1 if checked, but chkSuspect2 will be doubled when both checked values are added together. As a result,
// ChosenSuspect will become 1 if only the first suspect is selected, 2 if only the second one is, but 3 if both. The variable
// remains at 0 if nobody has been selected.
// The resulting ending number and player's score will then be passed to the ending page.
function MakeAccusation()
var ChosenSuspect = (document.frmSuspect.chkSuspect1.checked) + (document.frmSuspect.chkSuspect2.checked * 2);
window.location = "EndPage.html?" + ChosenSuspect + "_" + PlayerScore;