Fork of the Hugo theme hyde-hyde that introduces some necessary cleanup and changes.

업데이트됨 10 달 전

This is an attempt at understanding the procedural generation that was used to create the galaxies in the 1984 computer game Elite, based on information from

업데이트됨 3 년 전

A simple pygame-based text scroller.

업데이트됨 3 년 전

An attempt to read the data from a VideoNow PVD

업데이트됨 3 년 전

An old college ICT project (for the module "Client-side Customisation of Web Pages") in which I produced a small interactive murder-mystery adventure game using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

업데이트됨 3 년 전

An old college project (for the module "Developing Computer Games") in which I developed - against my better judgement, seriously - a puzzle-platformer inspired by Terry Cavanagh's *VVVVVV*.

업데이트됨 3 년 전

A bash script for correctly linking the games and music tracks and expansions within the GOG release of _Quake II: Quad Damage_.

업데이트됨 3 년 전

Constructs an insult based on three components, the final string preceded by "Thou" Based on and uses content from the Shakespearean Insult Kit at:

업데이트됨 3 년 전