If PlayerState is equal to 0 then Call the procedure MovePlayer Increase TickCount by 1 Set PlayerFallSpeed to the result of calling the function IncreaseVelocity with the parameters 0, 10, TickCount, 0.4 If PlayerFallSpeed is greater than 30 then Set PlayerFallSpeed to 30 Decrease TickCount by 1 End If Call the procedure DropPlayer Call the procedure MoveBot Call the procedure CheckRobotContact Set imgPlayer.Left to the result of PlayerPos(0) - imgPlayer.Width / 2 Set imgPlayer.Top to the result of PlayerPos(1) - imgPlayer.Height / 2 For a is between 0 and 1 set imgRobot(a).Left to the result of RobotPos(a, 0) - imgRobot.Width / 2 set imgRobot(a).Top to the result of RobotPos(a, 1) - imgRobot.Height / 2 Next Call the procedure IncreaseClock ElseIf PlayerState is equal to 1 then Increase ReportTimer by 1 Set the caption of lblLevelName to "Level Complete!" If ReportTimer is greater than or equal to 90 then Increase Level by 1 If Level is greater than or equal to 100 then Call the procedure Form_Load ElseIf Level is greater than or equal to 4 then Set Level to 101 Call the procedure LoadLevel with the parameter "Win" Call the procedure PlayerStates.WinLevel Call the procedure WriteScore Else Call the procedure LoadLevel with the parameter "Lab" End If End If ElseIf PlayerState is greater than or equal to 2 then Increase ReportTimer by 1 Increase PlayerAnim by 1 If PlayerAnim is greater than 1 then Set PlayerAnim to 0 End If If PlayerState is equal to 2 then Set the caption of lblLevelName to "Oof!" Load the file in PlayerDazed(PlayerGravityDir, PlayerAnim) into imgPlayer.Picture Else Set the caption of lblLevelName to "Don't take me, Robro!" Load the file in PlayerShock(PlayerGravityDir, PlayerAnim) into imgPlayer.Picture End If If ReportTimer is greater than or equal to 90 then If PlayerRetries is greater than 0 then Decrease PlayerRetries by 1 Set the caption of lvlRetries to "Retries: " & PlayerRetries Call the procedure LoadLevel with the parameter "Lab" Else Call the procedure Form_Load End If End If End If